1. The leaf serves as a coagulant, it is used to make cheese, and it makes the milk come together instead of alum.
2. For the women who just gave birth and milk is not coming out of the breast, just take some leaves boil them for some minutes, and drink the water.
3. Yes is good to treat chickenpox or measles. Just grand the leaf add it to the original black soap mix it very well and use it to bath. It will dry off the chicken pox.
4. It is not poisonous, it is used for stomach aches soak it in dry gin and drink one shot
5. It can be soaked in either schnapp or Palm wine with milk for typhoid.
6. Yes, we can also cook it with lemon grass and lime to treat malaria.
7. It is good for a pile that is already out, get Shea butter (Nkuto)rub the Shea butter on the Leaf, and place it over your coal when the leaf becomes warm and the oil starts dripping, place it on the ànus…’s painful but effective.
8. For toothache, cut and drop the whitish that comes out of it on the tooth with a hole and chew on the root with the affected tooth.
9. It drives the snake away
10. For diabetes, pluck two leaves and place them on the floor, make sure you wear socks and place your feet on them for some hours. do it daily for a week, go and do check again, diabetes is gone.
11. For Asthma, take nine leaves for men and seven for women, wash and arrange it in a pot and boil for 15 minutes with little water, drink it warm half glass cup both morning and night for seven days, if water finish add another water to it until you see result.