General News
NSMQ 2023: GSTS join St John’s School in quarters

Ghana Secondary Technical School have booked a place in the one eight stage of the National Science and Maths Quiz 2023 to join regional rivals, St John’s School as schools remaining from the Western Region.
St John’s School triumphed in a group that housed fellow Saints[St. Mary’s Boys School] and has been joined by Ghana Secondary Technical School.
“The Giants” from the Western Region best competition from Odorgonno SHS and St. Francis Xavier Jnr.
GSTS is the only school from the Western Region to ever lift the NSMQ trophy winning it in 2012 and are looking forward to win the ultimate once again after more than a decade.
The points and ranks for today’s contest are as follows;
GSTS: 46pts
Odorgonno SHS: 40pts
St. Francis Xavier Jnr: 34pts